Healing from Trauma: How Individual Therapy in Scottsdale Can Rewire the Brain

When someone experiences trauma, individual therapy can be an instrumental tool to help patients develop coping skills and navigate through their trauma. Different methods of individual therapy can be utilized to help patients deal with the trauma they’ve experienced. As we explore the different types of individual therapy in Scottsdale, we’ll also look at the benefits and how the team at Healings Foundation Center can help patients deal with their traumas.

Why Individual Therapy is Used in Trauma Care

Individual therapy is a highly effective treatment for trauma survivors. For example, statistics show that more than 41 million adults saw a therapist in 2021, with individual therapy as one of the most popular methods available [1]. The one-on-one approach helps patients get a safe and confidential space to explore their traumas and the psychological impact they have had. Individual therapy is often utilized because it allows patients to heal and recover. Individual therapy can also lead to fewer relapses in several common mental health conditions.

Types of Individual Therapy

Individual therapy can come in many different forms, such as:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy allows people to learn how to cope with negative emotions. It focuses on accepting negative thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT can help people learn problem-solving techniques and healthy ways to cope with their traumas. It also helps to identify distorted thought patterns, emotional responses, and actions and teaches a person how to change them.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy helps people dealing with PTSD from traumas, as well as phobias. Patients learn about the triggers that bring on anxiety and help them find ways to deal with them.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

EMDR focuses on connecting the patient with the thoughts, actions, and emotions that are associated with the trauma. This is often an excellent treatment for people with trauma.

When a patient undergoes individual therapy, counselors determine which methods work best. Several types of individual therapy techniques may be needed to help patients best.

What to Expect During Individual Therapy

When a patient begins individual therapy, they can expect their first session to be one to gather information. The therapist must learn about the patient’s history, childhood, and life events. Once this is complete, an individual treatment plan can be developed to help the patient begin to deal with their trauma.

Therapists can use various techniques to help their patients get comfortable with them. Once they build a rapport, they can feel safe sharing their feelings. Since everyone’s trauma is different, the therapy plan used to treat them will differ as well. Therapists may try other techniques to determine the one that will be the most successful.

Benefits of Individual Therapy

There are several benefits of individual therapy in Scottsdale. These include:

  • Increased self-esteem
  • One-on-one attention from a trained professional
  • Healthy coping skills
  • Improved communication skills
  • Improving relationships

Individual therapy can also help you to build trust that may have been broken from a traumatic event. Over time, patients learn that trustworthy people are around to help them. Individual therapy also offers patients validation since, many times, they are told that their experiences are unreasonable. Therapy sessions can give patients the acceptance they need to begin healing [2]. Though it may take time, it can help patients get on the right path.

Who Can Benefit from Individual Therapy for Trauma?

People who have experienced a variety of traumas can benefit from individual therapy. This includes those dealing with the impact of:

  • Abuse
  • Grief
  • Death
  • Homelessness
  • Divorce
  • Neglect
  • Life-threatening circumstances
  • Witnessing a traumatic situation
  • Natural disasters

If you or a loved one has experienced these situations, individual therapy may be a treatment option to explore.

Individual Therapy in Scottsdale at Healing Foundations Center

During individual therapy in Scottsdale, patients can expect to experience many different methods to help them deal with their traumas. From cognitive behavioral therapy to exposure therapy, our team will develop a treatment program to best help you face your trauma and build coping skills. For more information on individual therapy and other treatments and therapies, contact Healing Foundations Center today.



[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/794027/mental-health-treatment-counseling-past-year-us-adults/

[2] https://www.verywellmind.com/trauma-therapy-definition-types-techniques-and-efficacy-5191413